We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help serve you better.

Yes, there is a paid parking lot as part of the Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. A ticket is issued when entering the parking lot and payment is done through a stand-alone terminal located at the inside entrance of the Hospital.
Additional street parking is located along the north side of Kilgour Road.
There is also a 20 minute free parking for drop offs.
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) buses run regularly and are listed below. For more information about routes and schedules, check the TTC Website to plan your trip.
From Davisville Station on the Yonge line, take the 11 Bayview bus Northbound and get off at Glenvale Road. Walk North to Kilgour Road and then East to 150 Kilgour Road
From Bayview Station on the Sheppard line, take the 11 Bayview bus Southbound and get off at Glenvale Road. Walk North to Kilgour Road and then East to 150 Kilgour Road
From Eglinton Station on the Yonge line, take any of the following buses: 54 Lawrence East, 51 Leslie, 34 Eglinton East, 100 Flemington Park and get off at Rumsey Road (3rd stop past Bayview Ave.) Walk North (600 metres) on Rumsey Road until you reach Kilgour Road. -
We are situated at 150 Kilgour Road - the only access to Kilgour Road is off of Bayview Avenue. Bloorview School is located on the same site as Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital.
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Yes, busing is provided for eligible students.
For Integrated Education and Therapy (IET) Program students attending Bloorview School bus transportation is arranged at the time of registration at Bloorivew School. To attend Bloorview School IET students must continue to reside in Toronto or York Region.
For Hospital Client Classroom (HCC) students busing is provided for students who live in Toronto and York Region.
There is no associated cost for busing.
No, Bloorview School Authority is one of six publicly funded Section 68 schools in Ontario. Section 68 Schools are housed in Children’s Treatment Centres such as Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital (HBKRH). As such, Bloorview School does not belong to any of the local District School Boards, and has its own trustees who govern the operations and policies of the school.
All students admitted to Bloorview School are registered clients of Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital or, for York Region students, a client of Children’s Treatment Network and have a primary diagnosis of a physical disability and other associated complex needs.
Priority is given to applicants who have the potential to access the Ontario curriculum and who require a multidisciplinary approach for education and therapy.
Students in the IET program must reside in Toronto or York Region.
Refer to our Admissions page for more information. -
The school boundaries for the Integrated Education and Therapy (IET) Program at Bloorview School are the same as the Toronto Public and Catholic School Boards from Etobicoke in the West, Scarborough in the East, the lake to the South and North to Steeles Avenue. York Region is also part of our catchment area. All students must be registered clients of Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital or, for York Region students, a client of the Children’s Treatment Network. Families must live in York Region or Toronto to be eligible to attend the Integrated Education and Therapy (IET) proram at Bloorview School.
The Integrated Education and Therapy (IET) Program is for children from Toronto and York region who come to Bloorview School for our Kindergarten and Grade 1 interdisciplinary early intervention program. We support children who have a primary diagnosis of a physical disability and other associated complex needs. During the school day, children receive physical, occupational and/or speech therapies along with educational programming to meet their academic needs. Programming is based on the Ontario Ministry of Education Curriculum.
An Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is a working document describing the special education program and/or services required by a particular student, based on a thorough assessment of strengths and needs that affect the student’s ability to learn and to demonstrate learning. The plan may include learning expectations that are modified from the expectations for the regular grade level and/or identify alternative expectations, if required, in areas not represented in the Ontario curriculum (e.g., Activities of Daily Living).
An IEP also includes a transition plan to ensure that a student has supports in place when they transition to their community schools.
We will be hosting a Virtual Open House, date TBA. Check the Admissions section in November for more information.
No, Bloorview School does not provide any after school programs or daycare for students.
Morning Classes Begin: 9:00 AM
Lunch/Lunch Break: 11:40 to 1:00 PM
Afternoon Classes Begin: 1:00 PM
Dismissal: 3:20 PM