The application process for the 2025-2026 school year is now closed.
This learning environment maximizes a child’s potential to develop academic, physical, social and communication skills. A key component of the IET program is to provide each child with strategies and opportunities to develop self-advocacy skills, independence, self-regulation and personal responsibility in a small group learning environment. Educators and therapists develop and weave together educational goals with therapeutic goals.
Students may be in the IET program for a maximum of three years: Kindergarten - Year 1, Year 2, and Grade One. Transportation is provided for students who attend Bloorview School. Bus rides may be up to 90 minutes.
Bloorview School Integrated Education and Therapy (IET) Program Eligibility:
All students admitted to Bloorview School are Toronto residents and registered clients of Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital (followed by a physician at HBKRH) or York Region residents and clients of Children's Treatment Network (CTN). Applicants have a primary diagnosis of a physical disability and other associated complex needs. Priority is given to applicants who demonstrate readiness to work on learning expectations as set out in the Ontario Kindergarten Program or Grade 1 Curriculum and who require a multidisciplinary approach for education and therapy.
The potential student:
✔ Is followed by a physician at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital or is a client of Children's Treatment Network.
✔ Is entering Kindergarten or Grade 1 and has the ability to tolerate a full day in a classroom setting and can attend to a range of activities for a short period of time.
✔ Has a primary diagnosis of a physical disability.
✔ Demonstrates complex needs in two or more of the following areas:
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech and Language Therapy
✔ Demonstrates the ability to indicate, through a communication strategy (e.g. body movement; verbal words; eye gaze; speech generating devices; picture communication) the following:
- yes and no responses
- communication of choices
Please view our Admissions Webinar to learn more about our admissions process.
Applications to Bloorview School for September 2025
The application has two parts:Part 1: Complete the following forms:
- IET Applicant Information from Referring Source form
- Consent to Exchange Information with Holland Bloorview form
- Consent to Exchange Information (all other agencies, daycare, etc.)
Email completed forms to registration@bloorviewschool.ca
Forms due: Friday, January 17th 2025
Part 2: Submit two short videos
The two short videos (60-90 seconds each) should highlight the child's skills. Further information regarding how to upload the videos will be sent out once the IET Applicant Information and Consent to Exchange forms have been received. The videos should show the following:
1. How the child moves, such as how the child moves on the floor or how the child moves around using equipment (e.g., walker, wheelchair).
2. How the child plays with toys and/or how the child interacts with others during play.
3. How the child communicates. If the child is nonspeaking, how they make choices and indicate yes/no, including (if applicable) how the child uses voice output devices/pictures/symbols to communicate. If the child is speaking, please include the child talking in the video clip.
Videos due: Monday, January 27th 2025
Submitting an application does not guarantee acceptance to Bloorview School. Please note that we typically receive many more referalls than we have spaces. The selection committee reviews all applications. Parents are informed of placement in April.
We invite you to make a referral if you know of a child who fits our program eligibility. If you have any questions, require further information or would like to discuss the appropriateness of a possible referral, please contact christinamathura@bloorviewschool.ca.